The Dark is There For You

awash with Darkness

the Black Ocean in a flood of peace

I have many more assorted side topics associated with Darkness to blog about, but this weekend, while taking a long car ride, I had a bit of an epiphany (Darkness likes to sneak up on you like that).

Recently, I was describing to a new friend a graphic novel I’m working on:

“It’s about a computer virus that brainwashes teenagers into committing suicide.” I said.

His reply, joking, was, “How would we know if something like that really existed? They do that anyway!”

This perception of troubled teens turning to death seems to have become a sterotype, and that bothers me. This subject was passing through my mind when it came to me:

One major purpose of Darkness is that it is available to move people out of the lowest vibrations of emotion.

A little background here: the Abraham-Hicks philosophy (Ask & It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks) has a range of “vibrations” of feeling and energy. The highest vibrations are Joy, Empowerment, Love, Appreciation, Passion, and similar, ranging down through things like Optimisim, the middle being Comfort and Boredom, and, below Worry and Anger, the lowest vibrations are Fear and Depression.

According to the entity called Abraham, a person can’t jump from feeling depressed to feeling joyous instantly. When you are feeling a low vibration, the only thoughts and feelings available to you are other low vibrations (this is why when you’re depressed, it makes you feel better to get angry and blame someone for your problems –of course from there you must try to continue upward to mere frustration or being content and so on).

The Greater Light is hard to access from those low vibrations. Good things can be all around you, but you don’t see them because your mind and your heart aren’t in the right place.

But the Darkness is always there.

This is why the Dark is mistakenly associated with sadness and anger and hard times in life. People in these low feeling places reach for the Dark to give them Empowerment, to give them Freedom and Knowledge, to feel Passion and Enthusiasm about something, even as they are buried in Fear and Discouragement. It gives them choices, thougths that they couldn’t reach before, options besides forsaking this physical existence.

This is not the Dark’s only purpose, of course. I say there is Joy in the Dark, that those who are called by the Higher Dark can dance in the night, appreciate the shadows and feel love soft and deep like black velvet.

But the Darkness has open arms. That path can be walked by anyone, at any vibration, and it can empower a troubled person to rise above the trials (or “contrast” as Abraham says) that life throws at us.

I am a writer/illustrator of various types of speculative fiction but mostly modern fantasy. I have loved magic, and the people and creatures who live with it and use it, all my life, and writing and drawing these people in modern environments makes it all the more real to me. I also like to add an element of Darkness and horror, as well as science fiction, for “flavor”. I am fascinated with everything from unicorns and dragons to vampires and demons.

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One comment on “The Dark is There For You
  1. Nothing else approaches the comfort of wrapping oneself in a warm quilt and curling up to sleep in the rich darkness of safety. Darkness, even in depression, can be a safe and comforting place.


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